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Install SentinelOne Agent

Installs the SentinelOne agent on the target device.

Worklet Details

Why would you use the Install SentinelOne Agent Worklet on macOS devices? 

This Worklet performs regularly scheduled scans  to see if the SentinelOne Agent is installed on a target macOS device. For those devices that do not have a SentinelOne agent detected, Automox will automatically install the agent on the device per your policy targets and timing.  With this Worklet, you can easily add the SentinelOne agent to all devices within Automox platform without IT manual intervention.

How to install the SentinelOne Agent on a macOS device with this Worklet

The Install SentinelOne Agent checks to see if the SentinelOne agent is installed on your target endpoints. If the agent is not installed, the Worklet will proceed with installation.

After running this Worklet, you’ll see a notification that says, “Successfully installed Sentinel Agent”." If it doesn’t install correctly, you’ll receive a notice that either says the "Installation failed; the endpoint must be restarted prior to reinstalling Sentinel Agent" or “Installation failed” requiring further investigation.

What is the SentinelOne Agent application and how does it work with Automox?

As a leader in next-gen endpoint protection, the SentinelOne Singularity platform is a comprehensive enterprise security platform that provides threat detection, hunting, and response features. Deployed to each endpoint, the SentinelOne agent runs autonomously on each device and monitors all processes in real time and maintains connectivity to the SentinelOne management console.

To ensure the broadest reach and most comprehensive insights across your infrastructure, guaranteeing the SentinelOne agent is installed on every endpoint is imperative. With a strategic alliance that pairs our two platforms, Automox and SentinelOne can elevate your confidence in comprehensive, hands-free agent deployment. Automox Worklets allow you to automate and enforce any scriptable action on your endpoints regardless of location or domain. Automox has developed a customized Worklet for SentinelOne for the automatic deployment of the SentinelOne agent for macOS devices - without manual intervention or wasted IT cycles.

The process to install SentinelOne agent typically involves the following steps:

Installing the SentinelOne agent

To begin, simply find and execute the specific SentinelOne Worklet for macOS devices. 

Site token

During the installation of the SentinelOne agent, you may need to provide a site token. This token is a unique identifier that associates the agent with your specific SentinelOne account and enables centralized management and monitoring. This token can be retrieved from the "Packages" section within SentinelOne.

Automatic deployment

Once deployed, select the schedule and scope of the Worklets to be performed per your organization’s specific requirements. The Automox platform will then perform regularly scheduled scans to confirm the SentinelOne agent is installed. For those devices that do not have a SentinelOne agent detected, Automox will automatically install the agent per your policy targets and timing.

What is the expected outcome?

This Worklet checks to see if the SentinelOne agent is properly installed on the target macOS endpoint and if it isn't, Automox will install and register the SentinelOne agent on the endpoint. Automox and SentinelOne make it easy to keep your entire endpoint fleet secure and protected. Take back your time and rest easy knowing that Automox has your SentinelOne agent deployments covered.

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