Role-Based Access Control for Modern IT

Eliminate operational inefficiencies, mismanaged endpoints, and security gaps due to frustrating access control issues. Automox solves these challenges with Global Zone Management, the fastest and easiest approach to modern role-based access control.

What is role-based access control for modern IT?

Role-based access control, or RBAC, is an approach to restricting system access only to authorized users. RBAC allows you to assign owners and lock down access where appropriate. If you manage many unique organizations or subsidiaries internally or for your clients, modern administration tools enable you to easily move between different instances to assign various levels of roles and privileges.

While RBAC solves the administration of security in large organizations with many users and permissions, this approach introduces challenges to managing many endpoints. It creates security gaps due to changing security threats and risks.

Global Zone Management solves these challenges with modern RBAC that you can customize to suit any organizational structure. Logically segment your endpoints into zones to match how your organization operates - whether by hierarchy, geography, or business structure. Then, assign access based on their corresponding level of authority or responsibility. This solution allows organizations to get as broad or granular as needed.

Levels of Access by Role

Leverage six different roles for immense flexibility

Global Administrator Role

The Global Administrator has complete control of the organization's endpoint environment. They can view and manage access for all zones and take action on any endpoint within any zone. The Global Administrator can set roles and permissions by either adding a user to the console and granting them access to an established zone or by creating a zone and adding users.

Zone Administrator Role

Zone Administrators have access to assigned zones granted by the Global Administrator. They can have a single or multiple zone view allowing them to stay focused on their assigned zones instead of sifting through endpoints that are not relevant to them. Zone Administrators can set access and manage devices and patching operations within their assigned zones.

Zone Operator Role

Zone Operators can create and edit policies that enable automated software deployment, patching, and configuration management. Additionally, operators can edit groups within a zone and take advantage of reporting features. Users assigned with this role are ideal for managing one or multiple zones, without having the ability to manage users or settings.

Patch Operator Role

Patch Operators are exclusively focused on automating patch operations. This role cannot create or edit Worklets and required software policies. Users with this role are ideal for managing patch programs and ensuring systems are up to date.

Helpdesk Operator Role

Helpdesk Operators can provide at-the-elbow support for end users and remotely control endpoints from Automox. Helpdesk Operators can view everything else in the console like devices, software, and Worklets but they can't edit anything. This role is ideal for end user support roles working in your helpdesk.

Billing Administrator Role

Billing Administrators can only change billing settings within their assigned zone(s). These users are responsible for adding a corporate credit card or generating an invoice. Billing Administrator users have read-only access to other zones and do not have any IT operations capabilities within the Automox console.

Read-Only Access

Users assigned Read-Only access can only see what's been configured in the zones to which they have access. They cannot edit any settings or configurations. Read-Only access is ideal for users who only need to generate reports or confirm patching status.

Global Zone Management Capabilities

Gain radical efficiency with global administration

Single View and Centralized Management

Single View and Centralized Management

Navigate to the Setup and Configuration Dashboard to see all zones and users within your organization or MSP at a glance. With this complete view of your overall endpoint environment, you can create new zones with just a few clicks and easily navigate between zones.

Create New Zones and Assign Zone Roles

Create New Zones and Assign Zone Roles

Create zones and add users with precise roles and permissions faster than ever before - giving you more time for strategic work.

Create New Users and Assign Roles

Create New Users and Assign Roles

Create users and manage all roles and permissions across all zones with incredible efficiency.

Want to See Global Zone Management in Action?

Find out how easy it is to control and assign role-based access for your unique management needs.


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