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Deploy Software Quickly And Easily

If you’re like most IT professionals you’re a big fan of automation for routine tasks. We talk a lot about patch automation here at Automox. And with good reason, the industry has been in need of a simple, effective, modern patching solution for too long. But it doesn’t end there, there are other areas of IT that are ripe for automation.

Software deployment is one of them. I’m sure you recall the days of walking around the office with a jumpdrive to add new software to devices one by one. While necessary to get the software onto the devices, it’s a basic task that’s entirely too time consuming. Fortunately there are a number of options available to you today that automate software deployment. But if you’re like us, you don’t want your software stack to look like a Martech map.

As a cloud native solution, Automox provides you with the ability to communicate with each endpoint in real time. Be it for patch remediation or software management. Once you deploy the lightweight agent, it sets a persistent encrypted session with our cloud hosted webserver. Within minutes you can see the hardware and software on every endpoint and begin managing them from a single dashboard.

Let’s look at the benefits this provides you for software deployment.

Full Visibility
Automox provides you with one dashboard to manage all of your endpoints. As mentioned above, you can see the full list of software, including what version is running, on each device. This immediately gives you visibility across your infrastructure on what you have, and where you’re vulnerable.

Policy Enforcement
Through our policy engine, you can now take back control over the software and applications in your environment. You can create specific software policies that enforce which software you want on specific devices. You can also create policies that blacklist certain software so it is removed from your environment.

Not all software is necessary on all devices. That is where group and policy customization come into play. You can create as many policies as you need for each piece of software. You can also create groups in matter of minutes. They can be delineated by geography, department, or any other business need. It’s as simple as one click to add or delete groups to policies.

Each policy can run on its own schedule. You control if you want the policy to run daily, weekly, it’s up to you and your requirements. Any policy action that failed will show in your dashboard that it needs your attention so that you can act on it. If the device was offline, you have the option to rerun the policy as soon it comes back online or wait until the next scheduled run.

Self Healing
One of the benefits of being cloud native is that your software policies are “self healing”. If someone deletes required software, it will be reinstalled during the next scheduled run. If someone adds blacklisted software, it will be removed during the next scheduled run. You maintain control over your infrastructure, increasing your security position and limiting end user

Simple to Use
All of these features are great and will save you time, as long as you can easily navigate the solution. That’s the best part of Automox, our UI is easy to learn and use. We’ve had one customer tell us that using Automox was a religious experience. While I wouldn’t go that far, our UI is one of the best in the industry.

About Automox

Facing growing threats and a rapidly expanding attack surface, understaffed and alert-fatigued organizations need more efficient ways to eliminate their exposure to vulnerabilities. Automox is a modern cyber hygiene platform that closes the aperture of attack by more than 80% with just half the effort of traditional solutions.

Cloud-native and globally available, Automox enforces OS & third-party patch management, security configurations, and custom scripting across Windows, Mac, and Linux from a single intuitive console. IT and SecOps can quickly gain control and share visibility of on-prem, remote and virtual endpoints without the need to deploy costly infrastructure.

Experience modern, cloud-native patch management today with a 15-day free trial of Automox and start recapturing more than half the time you're currently spending on managing your attack surface. Automox dramatically reduces corporate risk while raising operational efficiency to deliver best-in-class security outcomes, faster and with fewer resources.

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